- 21/11/2020: Allagan Studies Website Updated, 3rd edition doc ported over, LaTeX equations.
Information & About The Guide
This document is an update to the previous How to be a Math Wizard - Second Edition.
Changes include the:
- addition of level 80 formulae
- secondary attribute formulae
- the addition of level correction
- restructuring of formulas
- order of operations for direct damage
Since the last revision, we have seen nascent DPS spreadsheets and gear optimization tools. These will be linked in the resources & credits section.
We have also included level correction and a Misc. information section to cover weaponskills, spells, and abilities that require further explanation.
Let’s begin.
Table of References
Final Fantasy XIV formulae rely on tables to tailor them to specific levels, jobs, and clans. That is why using the same stats across different jobs and levels will yield different results.
When referencing a table value, large text will refer to the table name and the subscripts will refer to the row and column as such:

The respective tables can be found in the Modifiers section of this website.
Flooring & Ceiling
Flooring refers to the largest integer value less than or equal to a given value. In layman’s terms, it means removing anything after the decimal. To keep formulae relatively clean, I opted to use the flooring parenthesis ⌊ x ⌋.

Ceiling is the opposite of flooring – it is the smallest integer value greater than or equal to a given value. In other words, for positive values, round up. When ceiling is necessary, you will see the notation ⌈ x ⌉.

Redundant Brackets
To keep long formulae clean, I opted to remove redundant left-hand flooring & ceiling brackets. It is still expected that you perform the floor or ceiling as if the extra left-hand brackets were present.