Main Attributes
Your character’s base attributes are determined by your base determination, job attribute modifier and your clan (race).
In the following equation, all instances of “Attribute” should be replaced with the attribute you want to solve.
For example, if you are solving for your character’s base strength, then replace all instances of “Attribute” with “Strength”.
Despite removing main stat bonuses from the Traits window, players still retain these traits at their respective Stormblood levels. At Lv. 60+, your character gains +48 main stat as a “Trait.”

Total HP
Your character’s total HP is determined by your level’s base HP, your job’s HP modifier, your base Determination and your vitality. Tanks receive more HP per vitality due to their Tank Mastery trait.
At Lv. 80:
Non-Tank HP

Tank HP

MP Recovery Via Abilities
Your character’s MP return from skills such as Energy Drain and Refresh depends on the skill’s potency:
MP Returned

MP Per Tick
Your character recovers 2% mp per tick in combat, or 200 mp. Healers alone can increase this amount with PIE, or Piety.
Total MP Per Tick With Piety

Block Probability
The probability of blocking is determined by your Block Rate and level. No change in 5.0.

Direct Hit Probability
The probability of a Direct Hit occurring depends on your Direct Hit Rate (DHR) and level. No change in 5.0.

Critical Hit Probability
The probability of a Critical Hit occurring depends on your Critical Hit Rate (CHR) and level. No change in 5.0.