7.0 Changes With Dawntrail
While we are confident that the values in the table below will hold true for Dawntrail, we will verify the values to ensure they accurately reflect the functions in game.
Explaining Direct Hit
Direct Hit is a linear rate function that affects all of your outgoing damage for a chance to do 25% more damage. It does not affect heals.
Unlike Critical Hit, only the chance to deal 25% more damage increases with more Direct Hit. This event, however, can happen at the same time as a Critical Hit event resulting in a Critical Direct Hit (CDH). The end resulting damage multiplies them together for 1.25 * 1.critDamage%.
Its coefficient since its introduction in Stormblood is 550 and it tiers to the 1000th (changing by 0.001).
At Level 100 each tier of Direct Hit happens every +5.05454… (2780/550) points. This means that the tiers will either be +6 or +5 points.
Direct Hit can be increased by the following buffs:
Devilment (+20% Direct Hit Rate)
Battle Voice (+20% Direct Hit Rate)
Army’s Paeon (+3% Direct Hit Rate)
- Food
Due to being a linear function, Direct Hit’s value has relative diminishing returns the more of it you have. That is to say the average DPS increase from going from a rate of 10% to 11% is worth less than the gain from 9% to 10%.
6.2 introduced a change where when a player executes an action guaranteed to land Direct Hit, those actions deal increased damage based on the Direct Hit Rate.
Our understanding of this change is two fold:
- The damage increase follows how Determination works
- This increase is additive to the increase from Determination for the final damage multiplier
This gives us the following equation:
autoMult(DH) = ⌊ 140 × ( DH - Level Lv, SUB)/ Level Lv, DIV ⌋ / 10
Multiplier with Det = (1 + autoMultDH + detMult)
e.g. if my autoDH Multiplier is 1.010 and my Determination Multiplier is 1.005 then the final result is 1 + 0.010 + 0.005 for 1.015
(There is currently a bug with the Guaranteed 100% rate toggle on the truncated table. Please use the full table view to see the auto DH Multipliers and adjusted eDMG)
p(DH) = ⌊ 550 × ( DH - Level Lv, SUB)/ Level Lv, DIV ⌋ / 10
For level specific variables variables such as Level Lv, SUB and Level Lv, DIV, refer to Level Modifiers page.
Lv. 100 Spreadsheet Example