Season’s greetings from all of us here at AkhMorning! We’re sure you’re all keeping yourselves busy playing Endwalker and checking out the new Pandæmonium raids. We wanted to give you a status update on the site, and talk about some of our near future plans. It’s been a very hectic few weeks for all of us here. We’re all so excited to play the game and get as much information as we can, but we want to make sure our content production going forward still proceeds at a good pace. There’s a lot of good stuff planned for this site in the future, and we’re excited to get it all out to you!
Job Hub Redesign
Hopefully you’ve noticed the new look of the site. If you haven’t taken the time to explore it, I highly recommend you go check out the Summoner job hub here. This had been in the works and was planned to be released before Endwalker. Unfortunately, due to a number of overlapping difficulties, we couldn’t quite get it out in time. But now that we have, we’re much better equipped to fill out content for every job in the game. Obviously, our Summoner team is the largest and most experienced, but we’re actively growing and working on all other jobs at the same time.
With that said, we’re certainly still looking for help! You can check out our contributor recruitment page here, to see what we’re actively in need of. We’re not requiring someone with a history of 100% parses or anything like that. Because AkhMorning is dedicated to teaching and spreading information, we think it’s more important to have a deep understanding of a job, and be able to theorize about it in multiple situations, from multiple angles. Fluffing up your parse to look like you’re the strongest is only one aspect of that. If you think you can help us deliver quality content, please check out the recruitment page for more info.
Radiance Partnership
In addition, AkhMorning is working together with Radiance FC to help bring you high-quality raid strategies, diagrams, and written guides as quickly as we possibly can. You have have noticed our extreme trial guides (found here and here) credit Radiance and feature their gameplay for the video content. Going forward, we’re going to be working with them closely to get you information as quickly as it’s available. Here’s how we’re planning to do it:
- Radiance has two raid teams: Tempest and TPS. Both are full of serious players that progress very quickly through fights.
- The Radiance raid teams enter a fight, and begin progression. Usually, they have a “ninth man” sit in and watch the fight, to help figure out mechanics and do the heavy thinking without having to also fight.
- The raid group clears the fight, in part thanks to the work of the ninth man.
- Once the fight is cleared, the ninth man passes information on to the AkhMorning team, and we additionally have stream footage we can watch.
- The raw kill video is uploaded and credited to Radiance to help expand its visibility.
- Meanwhile, we’re hard at work reading over the information and watching the video(s) so that we can make a writeup as quickly as possible.
- Within a day or two, we publish an initial kill guide. This is not meant in any way to be an efficient, optimized strategy. Instead, it simply reports what each mechanic does, and how the Radiance team handled these mechanics during progression.
- Once that’s done, our incredible and diligent video editor Denmo will set about making a proper video guide for the fight, and we will begin gathering information and refining the article to include better/more strategies as more groups clear and more strats are made.
- After a little while, the original clear article gets entirely revamped and replaced with a proper fight guide.
And all of this will be starting with the release of the first Savage tier in 2022! This is a win-win for everyone: Radiance doesn’t have to worry about writing guide content or documentation, AkhMorning gets raid information as early as it’s possibly known, and you, dear reader, benefit from the combined quality of both raider and writer! I will personally be overseeing the AkhMorning side of the initial kill writeups, so I’m looking forward to seeing what Radiance can do Week 1.
Wrapping Up
Those are the two biggest pieces of information concerning our future direction. It’s going to take a lot of work to get information and guides written for all 19 jobs, but we’re committed to bringing you the high-quality content you deserve. Working with Radiance is going to be so helpful in ensuring we can get raid information written in a timely manner. Unsurprisingly, almost all of our writers are going to be raiding as well, and don’t have the time to record all the information that