Good AkhMorning!
As we turn the corner from the end of Summer to the start of Autumn and people return to work or school, we hope that everyone out there is staying safe.
We have a pretty packed month ahead of us with much to cover, so let’s dive on in, shall we?
What To Expect For September 2020
Content News
There’s quite a lot of content this month in the pipeline! Let’s break it down:
Job Guides
As per popular demand with tanks being the most requested jobs to add - Dark Knight (DRK) and Gunbreaker (GNB) are underway.
Our ideal timing is to have both jobs fleshed out by the end of the month or as soon as possible.
Raid Guides

Memoria Misera (Extreme)

Memoria Misera (Extreme), or Varis (Ex), is a great intermediate step between easier Extremes and Savage encounters with its modern encounter design and challenges.
The idealised i480 loot is also a solid stop-gap source of gear for alt jobs or players returning after an extended break.
In collaboration with Joonbob.
[E5S] Eden’s Verse: Fulmination (Savage)
![[E5S] Eden's Verse: Fulmination (Savage) Guide](/assets/media/news/this-month-for-akhmorning/september/e5s.jpg)
The first step into Eden’s Verse (Savage) and as such the most run encounter for the current savage raid tier globally.
Whether you’re brand new to savage or looking to refresh your knowledge of the encounter, this guide is being released in mind with the removal of savage’s weekly loot restriction.
We hope that our guide helps remove some of the intimidation factor that surrounds savage so that more players can enjoy some of the best content FFXIV has to offer!
In collaboration with Joonbob.
Eden’s Verse: Refulgence (Savage)
![[E8S] Eden's Verse: Refulgence (Savage) Guide](/assets/media/news/this-month-for-akhmorning/september/e8s.jpg)
The final encounter to Eden’s Verse (Savage) and the source of the strongest weapons available, finishing E8S remains a goal for many players who have been progressing the tier.
We want you to be able to beat and farm this encounter reliably with a good knowledge of the options available in Party Finder (PF).
In collaboration with Joonbob.
Ultimate Job Guides

Continuing in our series of encounter advice guides that have been really helping players in clearing the Ultimate encounters, we are proud to reveal that The Weapon’s Refrain (Ultimate), aka UWU, is being worked on for SMN.
Please look forward to our new guides!
Community Spotlights
We had a lot of positive and constructive feedback over our first Community Spotlight featuring Rin Karigani which lead to a lot of styling and bug fixes for the new format.
AkhMorning is happy to announce that we have more in the works getting to know more of those within the global community of FFXIV.
Rumour has it the next introduces someone known for his funky beats…
Future Website Changes
Quite a few things are on our list for the development team.
Here’s a summary of what’s being covered for this month:
Content Management System Updates
This has been a much requested feature for our content contributors that will further enable guide autonomy.
Currently the framework is integrated with Forestry but not in a manner that allows the most intuitive of edits when not familiar with the site’s markdown and its required formating.
As such, the developers and I have been working on improving the existing system to simplify and better facilitate our current content management for our contributors.
It has required some complex syntax changes within the framework due to the multi-column nature of the site, however, it is looking promising and our developers are pretty happy with how it has turned out.
To our team: I hope it delivers, and if there are problems, we will remedy them as they come up.
Guide Page Table Of Contents
One of our most requested features from users.
We will be featuring a new block for easier navigation between guide pages in the form of a guide table of contents block.
Please see the example concept mock up below:

The block will be tested and fine-tuned so that it will up to your standards.
HTML Minification On Build
As an optimisation step in our website build process, AkhMorning will be minifying (minimising code and markup) our files to reduce their sizes and improve the site’s speed even further for a better user experience, especially for people on limited data plans.
WebP Generation On Build
As an additional optimisation step in our website build process, AkhMorning will be converting and generating images to the WebP format resulting in dramatically smaller image file sizes. One of your most pertinent points of feedback was regarding data and our use of images resulting in pages taking longer to load.
I hope that these measures will help address the data use concerns.
Merchandise & Patreon Rewards
September is an exciting month for AkhMorning and our Patrons!
All of our merchandise orders for the Patron rewards (and future purchasable items) have either arrived or are due in the very near future. The First Brood artwork will also be completed by the ever so talented WhyMaige and will be featured in AkhMorning’s First Brood gallery!
Once October 1st hits we will be shipping out our rewards to everyone that has been so generous to support what it is we do.
We’re continuously thinking of more ways to bring value to you all. Do let us know what you like and would like to see more of in future!
If you would like to support what we do please know you can through the aforementioned options. The value you give to us we promise to return with content you want to benefit from.
As always, know you can contact us through or through the website-feedback channel on the AkhMorning Discord. Your insights and suggestions drive our changes.
Thanks and have a good September!