Good AkhMorning!
The FFXIV Europe and AkhMorning communities are leading an initiative to support Cancer Awareness Month in October with the hope to raise over £1000 for the World Cancer Research Foundation.
We will be spreading the world of this campaign across FFXIV communities all over the world. Communities that have agreed to participate in this initiative have been mentioned below.
To donate directly, check out our JustGiving page for the World Cancer Research Fund
About The Charity: World Cancer Research Fund
World Cancer Research Fund is a registered charity in England and Wales (1000739). A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales (2536180).
Registered address: 140 Pentonville Road, London, N1 9FW, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 20 7343 4200
Some of the World Cancer Research Fund’s many successes include being the first organisation to identify the link between diet and cancer, in addition to building the world’s largest source of scientific research on cancre prevention through diet, weight and physical activity.
Since 1990 they have funded more than £98 million ($126.5 million USD) of research that has lead to the widely accepted fact of the link between diet and cancer, as well as confirming that being overweight is a major contributing factor to at least 12 different cancers. They fund numerous vital projects on different types of cancer, along with studies into how to endure and survive cancer.
Though constant information updates and campaigns to raise awareness, they hope to inform the public about methods and their health tools to help reduce the risk of cancer.
You can read more about their achivements and what they are all about on their web pages here
Our Community Charity Initiative
We’ve worked hard to bring together a lot for this charity drive!
Let’s break it down:
- What AkhMorning Has Planned
- What The FFXIV EU Discord Community Has Planned
- What Eorzea Collection Has Planned
- What Additional Collaborators Have Planned
Click the links above to read more on each individual effort, or, see the image below for a summary:

What AkhMorning Has Planned

In the spirit of Cancer Awareness, AkhMorning will be changing its Discord server logo as a minimum to be one featuring a pink Cancer Awareness ribbon.
Additionally, the ever wonderful WhyMaige has kindly taken some time to draw a chibi Cancer Awareness Bahamut mascot for our own efforts, which you can see featured above! This is available here on the site, as well as an emoji on our Discord server, and you can purchase limited time merchandise of Cancer Awareness Bahamut on FFXIV Europe’s redbubble store. All merchandise profits will go to the charity.
AkhMorning will be donating half of our Patreon and donated earnings from Oct1-Oct-31 to the JustGiving fundraiser.
All donors and patrons where possible will be given a pink “Cancer Awareness Month 2020” role on Discord as a digital ribbon to wear.
We have a raffle planned that is currently in the works of being legally finalised by the charity.
The community has pooled together a fantastic prize pool worth over $150 USD featuring numerous digital FFXIV items from the Mog Station store:
- Chocobo Carriage mount (4 seater)
- 3x Fatter Cat mount
- Dirndl’s Attire (F)
- 1x 3 Phials of Fantasia
- 1x Phial of Fantasia
- A pair of Platinum Ceremony of Eternal Bonding (for you and your special one!)
- Snap emote
- Ruby Carbuncle mount
- Ruby Carbuncle attire + Ruby Carbuncle Slippers
- and more!
All of the above have been kindly donated by FFXIV Europe, MrIceT, Stilzkin and AkhMorning.
Once the final details are in place, we will formally announce the platform link so that all can take part in fairness.
All proceeds from the raffle will go directly to the charity.
Scheduled Events

Please check out our scheduled events above!
We have lots of things in mind for the community to partake and have some fun while raising some money for the charity:
- Akhmong Us - group sessions of Among Us, expecting to last around 3 hours each.
- AkhMorning Plays Baldur’s Gate 3 - from Oct 6th vote and decide for how the story unfolds together with me as I stream it!
- Mono Role 24 mans - whether it’s as only DPS, Tanks, Healers or Blue Mage, come along! Vote for which role you want to play first here
- 5.35 Bozja Citadel - with the new patch on Oct 13th comes the new relic weapon content. We plan on involving as many as possible so please hop in and out when you want to.
- Jackbox 7 - the latest Jackbox releases on Oct 15th featuring updated and brand new games to bring out the laughter and memes.
- Halloween Movies - All Hallows’ Eve on Oct 31st to bring about the spookiest of times. We’ll be screen sharing several scary movies.
- Free Days - nothing in particular is planned, although, we may do some older savages to unlock ultimates for players or do some mount farms.
You may notice all that Bozja Citadel action! This is more highlighting the fact that for numerous in the community due to being the latest content for the relic weapon arc, this will be something we want to help as many with as possible so that they don’t feel like they’re falling behind if they didn’t appear early on as had been felt by parts of the playerbase with regards to Eureka.
This schedule is not set in stone and are not required to happen, although it would be nice if it does.
Streaming Team On Tiltify
Another element also currently awaiting final approval with the charity’s financial team, various players will be part of the Tiltify team promoting and raising money for the charity as they stream.
This section will be updated with the stream team links once active.
Be sure to tune in and give your support!
What The FFXIV EU Discord Community Has Planned

The FFXIV Europe Discord community is co-hosting the charity drive along with AkhMorning with lots of great things arranged courtesy of Nemith!
Our charity drive’s gorgeous Cancer Awareness Moogle banner has been drawn for their community by GWENI. Their mascot, Ae, has also been drawn by Elda with a Cancer Awareness ribbon as an emoji for discord.
Be sure to check both of these artists out!
They will be donating 75% of their Patreon earnings to the charity for the month of October.
As part of their merchandise initiative, all profits from their redbubble store will go towards the charity, with items featuring Cancer Awareness Ae.
Their Discord server logo will be changing for 3 weeks to raise awareness, in addition they will also be activating double activity rank XP in the server for all members.
A special, permanent Discord role will be given to donors as a Cancer Awareness 2020 ribbon.
Each week they will also be hosting a movie night on their Discord server.
This campaign wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work and efforts of Nemith organising it originally and helping me with growing it to what it is now. A lot of good happens when you have two Nems working together!
What Eorzea Collection Has Planned
Eorzea Collection, the FFXIV Community’s online glamour catalogue, will be donating half of their Patreon earnings for October to the fund.
Their logo will also be updated to feature a Cancer Awareness ribbon for the month to raise awareness.
They will also be running an exclusive glamour competition for the initiative featuring the following prizes:
- 1st Place: Fat Moogle mount
- 2nd Place: Mheg Deaca attire
- 3rd Place: 10 pots of Pastel Pink Dye
Get your glamour game on!
What Additional Collaborators Have Planned
- ZeplaHQ, SerenayaCarrin and FrostyTV will be promoting the initiative through streams and videos
- GPOSERS will be including a feature page in their October issue drawing attention to the charity
- Moonlight will be running an event on October 10th in name of Cancer Awareness and World Cancer Research
- SaltedXiv will be updating default job blob emojis to include a Cancer Awareness ribbon
Cancer is a truly horrible affliction taking too many of our loved ones away from us. I have lost grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends and colleagues before their time to various forms of it and with that it’s why doing our part to fight and cure cancer is important to not only myself, but countless others within FFXIV’s community who are battling with it every day.
Truly, thank you to all involved and everyone who will participate in the efforts. Let’s crush cancer together.