Although Gaia, the girl who had previously launched an attack on Eden, has finally awoken, her amnesia prevents you from learning much of her origins.
For the time being, the best course of action appears to be continuing with the efforts to restore balance to the ambient aether of the Empty.
The next element is lightning, which one ravaged the Gandof Thunder Plains in the time before the Flood of Light
Your memories of Ramuh give corporeal form to the crackling aetherial energies drawn forth.
Eden’s Verse: Fulmination (Savage) is the first encounter of the Eden’s Verse Savage raid tier introduced in 5.2.
If you have any suggestions, corrections or feedback for particular phases please let us know at feedback@akhmorning.com.
General Considerations
Ramuh’s core mechanic is all about appropriate use of his Surge Protection orbs that spawn throughout the encounter in order to survive mechanics Ramuh casts while buffed with the Fury’s Bolt status.
As a party be sure to:
- assign corner or cardinal positions for Stormcloud Summons.
- assign Fury’s Fourteen Stratospear positions from 1-7 and a Tank to handle Ramuh’s Stand Firm duty action for Centaur’s Charge.
Levin Force can be dealt with by using an anti-knockback such as Arm’s Length and Surecast, or using a gap closer immediately after.
There are numerous “safe” spots across the arena for random AoE circles during Thunderstorm. There are several along the horizontal lines with some around where the initial four Stratospears drop for the first mechanic.
Spare Surge Protection orbs can help mitigate the lightning damage of various mechanics easing the work for healers, however, always try to have fewer total stacks than the Add Tank.
The Add Tank must have the most stacks of Surge Protection in the party to be focused on by Raiden.
One Tank, preferably with cooldowns available, must always be ready to perform the Stand Firm duty action for each Fury’s Fourteen. Failing this mechanic results in the party being knocked off the platform.
Party Finder Macros
Choose E5S PF Macro
【Spread Positions】
D3 D4
● (Ranged bait lightning)
D1 D2
H1 H2
【Fourteen Charged Bolts】
Duty Action:ST
From BOSS:MT>D1>D2>D4>H1>H2>D3
【Chain Lightning】
↑ D1 ◎ D2 ↑ (Healer adjusts)
H1 H2 Left: H1→D3→D1
↓ D3 D4 ↓ Right: H2→D4→D2
D3 D4
● (雷雲:遠隔誘導)
D1 D2
H1 H2
↑ D1 ◎ D2 ↑ (ヒラ誘導)
H1 H2 左 H1→D3→D1
↓ D3 D4 ↓ 右 H2→D4→D2
Common E5S Party Finder Abbreviations & Strats
Chain Lightning
- Circle CL - Circle strat for Chain Lightning. Sometimes called Clock.
- Tri/Triangle CL - Triangle strat for Chain Lightning.
Fury’s Fourteen (F14)
- TMMRRHH - Referring to the line-up order for F14. T = Tank, M = Melee, R = Ranged, H = Healer.
- Boss Relative - The F14 line starts where Ramuh charges from. Watch if he dashes North or South and adjust accordingly. Less to think about than TN.
- True North/TN - Beginning of the F14 line is fixed to North. It will always start from there regardless of Ramuh’s starting position for the charge. More to think about than Boss Relative.
Here we’ll explain the underlying mechanics throughout the encounter.
Mechanic | Effect |
Judgment Volts | High magic raidwide damage. Creates orbs on the field that grant Surge Protection |
Stratospear Summons | Stratospear mechanic. The small one is the safe corner to move to |
Judgement Jolt | Activates Stratospear AoEs |
Executor Summons | Summons the Raiden add. Add tank must be ready with the most Surge Protection stacks in the party |
Fury’s Bolt | Ramuh gains a Fury’s Bolt stack. Have a Surge Protection stack for the next mechanic |
Shock Blast | Add Tank Buster. Requires a stack of Surge Protection to prevent lethal damage |
Crippling Blow | Tank Buster on Main Tank |
Stormcloud Summons | Summons 4 Stormclouds on the 4 marked furthest players. 4 nearest gain Hated of Levin and must cleanse the debuff with one Stormcloud AoE pulse or they will be feared |
Levin Force | Small damage raidwide with a powerful knockback. Use knockback immunities such as Surecast or Arm’s Length |
Tribunal Summons | Summons Tribunal Will of Ramuh and Will of Ixion adds |
Deadly Discharge | Will of Ramuh charges knocking the party. Stand at the dotted line if no Fury’s Bolt stack, at the solid line if with |
Gallop | Will of Ixions charge through the arena. Avoid to not get knocked off. |
Thunderstorm | Spawns multiple Lightning Bolt AoEs that must be dodged. Also targets 4, then the other 4 players with Volt Strike that requires a stack of Surge Protection to prevent lethal damage |
Volt Strike x4 | 4 players at random are targeted with a lightning AoE ring marker around them. Have a Surge Protection stack to survive this damage. Do not overlap AoEs onto other players |
Stepped Ladder (Twister) | Small AoE circles that snapshot a player’s location. Move to not get hit. |
Fury’s Fourteen | Ramuh gains 14 stacks of Fury’s Bolt and will summon Tribunals and 14 Stratospears. Failing to break all 7 Stratospears on the safe side will result in a wipe. |
Centaur’s Charge | One tank must stand in front of Ramuh and use the Stand Firm Duty Action to save the party while sustaining heavy single target damage. All other players must have a Surge Protection stack to avoid a lethal knockback while being aligned against their Stratospear |
Stepped Ladder (Donut) | With Fury’s Bolt the mechanic is now a donut AoE around each player. Avoid overlap |
Chain Lightning | Gives 8 stacks of Electrified and the System Shock debuffs to both Healers. Pass Chain Lightning to a nearby player without System Shock to reduce the stack count and not kill them and subsequently the party for lethal damage |
Judgment Jolt (ENRAGE) | Kill or be killed! Get the clear. |
Ramuh Timeline>
Cast Time | Effect Time | Mechanic | Effect |
00:05 | 00:10 | Judgment Volts | High magic raidwide damage. Creates orbs on the field that grant Surge Protection |
00:17 | 00:26 | Stratospear Summons | Stratospear mechanic. The small one is the safe corner to move to |
00:29 | 00:35 | Judgement Jolt | Activates Stratospear AoEs |
00:38 | 00:45 | Executor Summons | Summons the Raiden add. |
00:45 | Raiden add spawns | Add tank must be ready to kite Raiden with the most Surge Protection stacks in the party. Contact is lethal | |
00:48 | 00:51 | Fury’s Bolt | Ramuh gains a Fury’s Bolt stack. Have a Surge Protection stack for the next mechanic |
00:56 | 01:02 | Judgment Volts (Fury’s Bolt) | High magic raidwide damage. Creates orbs on the field that grant Surge Protection. Have a Surge Protection stack for this |
01:05 | 01:08 | Shock Blast | Add Tank Buster. Requires a stack of Surge Protection to prevent lethal damage |
01:08 | Raiden add despawns | ||
01:07 | 01:12 | Crippling Blow | Tank Buster on Main Tank |
01:16 | Stormcloud Summons | Summons 4 Stormclouds on the 4 marked furthest players. 4 nearest gain Hated of Levin and must cleanse the debuff with one Stormcloud AoE pulse or they will be feared |
01:19 | 01:24 | Markers appear | 4 marked players place Stormclouds on their appropriate locations. |
01:30 | 01:35 | Levin Force | Small damage raidwide with a powerful knockback. Use knockback immunities such as Surecast or Arm’s Length |
01:46 | 01:49 | Fury’s Bolt (Random) | May gain a Fury’s Bolt stack. Have a Surge Protection stack for the next mechanic |
01:53 | Tribunal Summons | Summons Tribunal Will of Ramuh and Will of Ixion adds | |
02:06 | Deadly Discharge | Will of Ramuh charges knocking the party. Stand at the dotted line if no Fury’s Bolt stack, at the solid line if with | |
02:07 | Gallop | Will of Ixions charge through the arena. Avoid to not get knocked off. | |
02:12 | 02:16 | Crippling Blow | Tank Buster on Main Tank |
02:22 | 02:27 | Judgment Volts | High magic raidwide damage. Creates orbs on the field that grant Surge Protection |
02:32 | 02:34 | Fury’s Bolt | Ramuh gains a Fury’s Bolt stack. Have a Surge Protection stack for the next mechanic |
02:38 | Thunderstorm | Spawns multiple Lightning Bolt AoEs that must be dodged. Also targets 4, then the other 4 players with Volt Strike that requires a stack of Surge Protection to prevent lethal damage | |
02:49 | 02:53 | Volt Strike x4 | 4 players at random are targeted with a lightning AoE ring marker around them. Have a Surge Protection stack to survive this damage. Do not overlap AoEs onto other players |
02:57 | 03:01 | Volt Strike x4 | 4 players at random are targeted with a lightning AoE ring marker around them. Have a Surge Protection stack to survive this damage. Do not overlap AoEs onto other players |
03:04 | Executor Summons | Summons the Raiden add. Add tank must be ready with the most Surge Protection stacks in the party | |
03:11 | Raiden add spawns | Add tank must be ready to kite Raiden with the most Surge Protection stacks in the party. Contact is lethal | |
03:13 | 03:17 | Crippling Blow | Tank Buster on Main Tank |
03:24 | 03:27 | Stepped Ladder (Twister) | Small AoE circles that snapshot a player’s location. Move to not get hit. |
03:31 | 03:36 | Shock Blast | Add Tank Buster. Requires a stack of Surge Protection to prevent lethal damage |
03:35 | 03:40 | Judgment Volts | High magic raidwide damage. Creates orbs on the field that grant Surge Protection |
03:45 | Raiden add despawns | ||
03:46 | Fury’s Fourteen (F14) | Ramuh gains 14 stacks of Fury’s Bolt and will summon Tribunals and 14 Stratospears | |
03:59 | 04:09 | Stratospear Summons | Summons 14 Stratospears |
04:08 | Tribunal Summons | Summons Tribunal Will of Ixions around the arena | |
04:16 | 04:22 | Centaur’s Charge | One tank must stand in front of Ramuh and use the Stand Firm Duty Action to save the party while sustaining heavy single target damage. All other players must have a Surge Protection stack to avoid a lethal knockback while being aligned against their Stratospear |
04:35 | 04:38 | Fury’s Bolt | Ramuh gains a Fury’s Bolt stack |
04:42 | 04:46 | Stepped Ladder (Donut) | With Fury’s Bolt the mechanic is now a donut AoE around each player. Avoid overlap |
04:52 | Chain Lightning | Gives 8 stacks of Electrified and the System Shock debuffs to both Healers. Pass Chain Lightning to a nearby player without System Shock to reduce the stack count and not kill them and subsequently the party for lethal damage | |
05:01 | Chain Lightning pass #1 | Pass to the designated next player | |
04:59 | 05:04 | Crippling Blow | Tank Buster on Main Tank |
05:11 | 05:16 | Judgment Volts | High magic raidwide damage. Creates orbs on the field that grant Surge Protection |
05:27 | Chain Lightning pass #8 | Last Chain Lightning pass | |
05:28 | Executor Summons | Summons the Raiden add. Add tank must be ready with the most Surge Protection stacks in the party | |
05:33 | Raiden add spawns | ||
05:33 | 05:36 | Fury’s Bolt | Ramuh gains a Fury’s Bolt stack. Have a Surge Protection stack for the next mechanic |
05:41 | Thunderstorm | Spawns multiple Lightning Bolt AoEs that must be dodged. Also targets 4, then the other 4 players with Volt Strike that requires a stack of Surge Protection to prevent lethal damage | |
05:51 | 05:55 | Volt Strike x4 | 4 players at random are targeted with a lightning AoE ring marker around them. Have a Surge Protection stack to survive this damage. Do not overlap AoEs onto other players |
05:52 | 05:58 | Shock Blast | Add Tank Buster. Requires a stack of Surge Protection to prevent lethal damage |
05:59 | 06:03 | Volt Strike x4 | 4 players at random are targeted with a lightning AoE ring marker around them. Have a Surge Protection stack to survive this damage. Do not overlap AoEs onto other players |
06:02 | 06:05 | Stepped Ladder (Twister) | Small AoE circles that snapshot a player’s location. Move to not get hit. |
06:11 | Raiden add despawns | ||
06:14 | 06:19 | Crippling Blow | Tank Buster on Main Tank |
06:22 | 06:27 | Judgment Volts | High magic raidwide damage. Creates orbs on the field that grant Surge Protection |
06:32 | Fury’s Fourteen (F14-2) | Ramuh gains 14 stacks of Fury’s Bolt and will summon Tribunals and 14 Stratospears | |
06:47 | 06:56 | Stratospear Summons | Summons 14 Stratospears |
06:55 | Tribunal Summons | Summons Tribunal Will of Ixions around the arena | |
07:04 | 07:08 | Centaur’s Charge | Repeat of the earlier Centaur’s Charge with a twist. Only one horizontal row will have no Will of Ixion and be safe after the knockback. Move to the safe zone |
07:14 | Judgment Jolt | Activates Stratospear AoEs | |
07:14 | Gallop (Vertical + Horizontal) | Move immediately to safe area | |
07:17 | 07:19 | Fury’s Bolt | Ramuh gains a Fury’s Bolt stack. Have a Surge Protection stack for the next mechanic |
07:37 | Stormcloud Summons | Summons 4 Stormclouds on the 4 marked furthest players. 4 nearest gain Hated of Levin and must cleanse the debuff with one Stormcloud AoE pulse or they will be feared |
07:40 | 07:46 | Markers appear | 4 marked players place Stormclouds on their appropriate locations. |
07:51 | 07:56 | Levin Force | Small damage raidwide with a powerful knockback. Use knockback immunities such as Surecast or Arm’s Length |
08:01 | 08:06 | Judgment Volts (Fury’s Bolt) | High magic raidwide damage. Creates orbs on the field that grant Surge Protection. Have a Surge Protection stack for this |
08:17 | Chain Lightning | Gives 8 stacks of Electrified and the System Shock debuffs to both Healers. Pass Chain Lightning to a nearby player without System Shock to reduce the stack count and not kill them and subsequently the party for lethal damage | |
08:26 | Chain Lightning pass #1 | Pass to the designated next player | |
08:24 | 08:29 | Crippling Blow | Tank Buster on Main Tank |
08:37 | 08:42 | Judgment Volts | High magic raidwide damage. Creates orbs on the field that grant Surge Protection |
08:48 | 08:52 | Fury’s Bolt (Random) | May gain a Fury’s Bolt stack. No Fury’s Bolt stack = Twister, Fury’s Bolt stack = Donut |
08:52 | Chain Lightning pass #8 | Last Chain Lightning pass | |
08:54 | 08:57 | Stepped Ladder (Twister OR Donut) | Dodge the circles or avoid overlapping AoE rings |
09:02 | 09:05 | Fury’s Bolt | Ramuh gains a Fury’s Bolt stack. Have a Surge Protection stack for the next mechanic |
09:08 | 09:13 | Judgment Volts (Fury’s Bolt) | High magic raidwide damage. Creates orbs on the field that grant Surge Protection. Have a Surge Protection stack for this |
09:20 | 09:25 | Judgment Volts | High magic raidwide damage. Creates orbs on the field that grant Surge Protection |
0931: | 09:33 | Fury’s Bolt | Ramuh gains a Fury’s Bolt stack. Have a Surge Protection stack for the next mechanic |
09:37 | 09:42 | Judgment Volts (Fury’s Bolt) | High magic raidwide damage. Creates orbs on the field that grant Surge Protection. Have a Surge Protection stack for this |
09:48 | 09:53 | Judgment Volts | High magic raidwide damage. Creates orbs on the field that grant Surge Protection |
09:59 | 10:04 | Judgment Volts | High magic raidwide damage. Orbs no longer matter |
10:09 | Fury’s Fourteen (ENRAGE) | Ramuh gains 14 stacks of Fury’s Bolt and will summon 14 Stratospears | |
10:24 | 10:34 | Stratospear Summons (ENRAGE) | Stratospear mechanic. This set has no safe spot and is the setup for the hard enrage |
10:34 | 10:56 | Judgment Jolt (ENRAGE) | Kill or be killed! Get the clear. |
Heritor of Levin: Ramuh
Ramuh opens with his Judgment Volts raidwide, creating Surge Protection orbs on the battlefield. These orbs are the core mechanic for surviving future mechanics within the encounter. Touching one grants a stack capping up to 3 stacks max.
A little after Ramuh will cast Stratospear Summons. This will drop down 4 of his Stratospears to each corner of the battlefield. 3 will be large, one will be short. He will then proceed to activate them with Judgment Jolt.
In order to survive this mechanic the party must move to the corner with the short staff. Be mindful of the AoE circles from the large staff corners.
Afterwards he will summon the Raiden add with Executor Summons. Raiden will always target the player(s) with the highest number of Surge Protection stacks, so the Add Tank must be ready with 3 stacks.
A lightning tether will then attach itself to the the Add tank and Raiden will slowly move towards them, dealing auto damage. If Raiden touches its tethered target that player will die, so be ready to circle around Ramuh as necessary.
Ramuh will proceed to cast Fury’s Bolt gaining lightning orbs around him and the Fury’s Bolt status (Overcharged with electricity. Next attack will deal increased damage or differ in range). This is the core mechanic that will require Surge Protection in the future.
Right after he then casts a Judgment Volts raidwide buffed with Fury’s Bolt. Not having Surge protection makes this damage very lethal to non-tanks.
After this happens, Raiden will be preparing its Shock Blast Tank Buster on the Add Tank, while Ramuh will be preparing his Crippling Blow Tank Buster on the Main Tank. Be sure to pop your cooldowns.
Next comes Stormcloud Summons.
There are two mechanics to keep in mind:
- the 4 furthest players, generally Healers and Ranged, will be targeted with a purple marker in order to bait where the storm clouds will spawn. Drop them at their intended location (either corner markers, or cardinals depending on the party strategy). If clouds are too close they will murge into a super cloud that will explode and likely wipe the party.
- the 4 nearest players, generally Tanks and Melees, are debuffed with Hated of Levin. Debuffed players will pulse lightning AoEs that paralyse players hit by it, so make sure to spread out. Grab a Surge Protection orb and once the storm clouds spawn, get hit by one of their lightning AoEs to cleanse the debuff. Failure to cleanse will afflict the player with a Panic debuff causing them to run around and likely die.
See the following diagram for corner positions:

After several cloud pulses, Ramuh will cast Levin Force. This is a light raidwide AoE that has a heavy knockback. Use anti-knockbacks such as Arm’s Length and Surecast, or time your gap closer abilities if you have them.
He will cast Fury’s Bolt again, but this time it is random whether he gets buffed with the Fury’s Bolt status or not. This is important for the next mechanic of Deadly Discharge and Gallop. Ramuh will summon Will of Ixion manifestations around the north side of the arena, then cast Deadly Discharge.
There are two ways to do this depending on whether he has Fury’s Bolt or not:
- No Fury’s Bolt stack = short knockback. Stand at the dotted vertical line. You do not need Surge Protection.
- Fury’s Bolt stack = big knockback. Stand at the solid vertical line. You need Surge Protection.
As you get knocked back, if you are stood at the correct line, you will also dodge the Will of Ixion Gallops.
Another Crippling Blow followed by a regular Judgment Volts raidwide, Ramuh will then cast Fury’s Bolt into the next mechanic: Thunderstorm. Make sure to grab an orb for Surge Protection.
Thunderstorm will spawn random AoE puddles that you must dodge. 4 players at random will be targeted with the Volt Strike lightning ring marker. It is important to not overlap these with other players. Volt Strike requires a Surge Protection stack to survive.
Ramuh then summons Raiden again with Executor Summons, so have the add tank be ready with max stacks.
Yet another Crippling Blow on the Main Tank followed by a new mechanic called Stepped Ladder. Commonly referred to as Twisters, as this spell is cast it will snapshot your location for a small AoE circle. Move away to dodge this, otherwise, you will take damage and receive a damage down debuff. The snapshot happens early so be quick!
Raiden prepares his Shock Blast on the add tank with Ramuh then casting his Judgment Volts raidwide. Everyone needs to get a Surge Protection stack after this raidwide for the next big mechanic: Fury’s Fourteen (F14).
Ramuh: Fury’s Fourteen (F14)
Take note of which side lacks the Will of Ixions and is safe to get knocked into from Centaur’s Charge.
One tank will be designated to handle the Stand Firm Duty Action. Use cooldowns or invulnerabilities to survive the upcoming damage. They must stand inside the circle, face Ramuh and hold still after activating Stand Firm.
With your Surge Protection buff active, line up against your Stratospear. Being too close to your Stratospear will knock you off the edge, however, being too close to the solid line will get you hit by Centaur’s Charge, so be a bit away from the solid line.
After Centaur’s Charge, the Duty Action tank must run to the safe side or risk dying to the opposite side’s Judgment Jolt AoEs.
All 7 Stratospears on the safe side must break. If one player misses their Stratospear the party will die to the resulting Judgment Jolt.
See the diagram below for the positioning:

Ramuh will cast a Fury’s Bolt into Stepped Ladder. This time with the Fury’s Bolt status, instead of the Twister mechanic it will cause small Donut AoEs around each player. Either stack tightly or spread out enough to not overlap the AoEs with other players.
Next will be the Chain Lightning mechanic. We’ve listed the two most popular strategies Party Finder will use to resolve it.
Ramuh: Chain Lightning
Chain lightning gives the System Shock and 8 stacks of Electrified debuff to both Healers.
The premise is that the debuff must be passed along to players, each pass reducing the stack count by 1, until all 8 stacks run out. System Shock means that taking a Chain Lightning pass with this debuff will instantly kill you, causing a lethal feedback loop potentially killing everyone.
As Chain Lightning is being passed from player to player, Ramuh will be cast his Crippling Blow Tank Buster on the Main Tank, followed by a Judgment Volts on the party.
See the videos below for two of the more popular Party Finder Chain Lightning methods:
Circle Chain Lightning
Triangle Chain Lightning
Once the 8th Chain Lightning pass has resolved, Ramuh will cast Executor Summons to call forth his Raiden add once again. As it spawns, Ramuh will cast Fury’s Bolt gaining a stack. Be sure to have a Surge Protection stack for the second Thunderstorm mechanic.
Like before, dodge the random AoE circles keeping in mind the safer areas to move. Volt Strike will hit 4 players at random, followed by the Raiden add’s Shock Blast Tank Buster, then the last 4 players will be hit by Volt Strike.
As the last Volt Strike resolves, Ramuh will be casting Stepped Ladder (Twister). Be sure to move in time to avoid getting hit.
Ramuh will shortly after cast another Crippling Blow Tank Buster followed by a Judgment Volts raidwide.
Heal up, pick up an orb for Surge Protection then get ready for the last big mechanic of the encounter: Fury’s Fourteen (F14-2).
Ramuh: Fury’s Fourteen (F14-2)
As with the first Fury’s Fourteen, take note of which side is the safe one to get knocked into from Centaur’s Charge. With your Surge Protection buff active, line up against your Stratospear.
One of the horizontal lanes will not have a Will of Ixion. Take note of this as it is the safe lane.
once the Centaur’s Charge knockback has resolved, immediately run to the safe lane. If you’re in a lane further away make good use of Sprint to get there in time. Failing to do so will have you knocked off the edge from Gallop.
See the diagram below for example positioning:

Heal up and get ready for a repeat of Stormcloud Summons, only this time Ramuh will cast Fury’s Bolt for a buffed Judgment Volts. Be sure to pick up enough Surge Protection stacks.
After resolving the storm clouds, use anti-knockbacks for Levin Force and make sure you have a Surge Protection stack for the incoming Judgment Volts cast.
Ramuh will then prepare for another round of Chain Lightning.
During this second version of the mechanic, Ramuh will cast Crippling Blow followed by a regular Judgment Volts into a randomised Fury’s Bolt.
Take note as to whether he has the Fury’s Bolt stack, as it will matter for the upcoming Stepped Ladder.
As earlier in the encounter taught us, there are two versions of stepped ladder that can happen:
- no Fury’s Bolt stack = Twister. Move and dodge the AoE snapshot.
- Fury’s Bolt stack = Donut. Stack tightly, or be spread out enough.
Well done so far, you’re now on the last stretch of the encounter.
The final meaningful sequence is a series of Fury’s Bolt into a buffed Judgment Volt then a regular Judgment Volt. Be sure to pick up Surge Protection for each buffed cast. He then follows with another Fury’s Bolt, a buffed Judgment Volt then two regular Judgment Volts.
After this barrage of lightning strikes, Ramuh will begin his final Fury’s Fourteen enrage sequence. He will cast Summon Stratospears creating a set that is impossible to deal with, with the resulting Judgment Jolt wiping the party.
From the start of the Fury’s Fourteen cast you have just under a minute to burn him down.
Kill him and get the clear!
Dropping coffers for i500 accessories that when opened will give an item for your currently equipped job, the items below from these coffers can also be bought at a cost of 4 Books of Fulmination each, or 6 for a Waist.
Raid Accessories From Coffers>
Slot | Item | Jobs | Major Substat | Minor Substat |
Wrist | Edenchoir Wristband of Aiming | 211 Determination | 148 Skill Speed | |
Edenchoir Wristband of Casting | 211 Direct Hit Rate | 148 Critical Hit | ||
Edenchoir Wristband of Fending | 211 Tenacity | 148 Skill Speed | ||
Edenchoir Wristband of Healing | 211 Critical Hit | 148 Determination | ||
Edenchoir Wristband of Slaying | <img src=” |
211 Critical Hit | 148 Direct Hit Rate | |
Ear | Edenchoir Earrings of Aiming | 148 Skill Speed | ||
Edenchoir Earrings of Casting | 211 Spell Speed | 148 Direct Hit Rate | ||
Edenchoir Earrings of Fending | 211 Tenacity | 148 Skill Speed | ||
Edenchoir Earrings of Healing | 211 Critical Hit | 148 Determination | ||
Edenchoir Earrings of Slaying | <img src=” |
211 Critical Hit | 148 Determination | |
Neck | Edenchoir Choker of Aiming | 148 Determination | ||
Edenchoir Choker of Casting | 211 Critical Hit | 148 Determination | ||
Edenchoir Choker of Fending | 211 Critical Hit | 148 Determination | ||
Edenchoir Choker of Healing | 211 Piety | 148 Spell Speed | ||
Edenchoir Choker of Slaying | <img src=” |
211 Determination | 148 Direct Hit Rate | |
Ring | Edenchoir Ring of Aiming | 148 Direct Hit Rate | ||
Edenchoir Ring of Casting | 211 Direct Hit Rate | 148 Determination | ||
Edenchoir Ring of Fending | 211 Critical Hit | 148 Tenacity | ||
Edenchoir Ring of Healing | 211 Critical Hit | 148 Spell Speed | ||
Edenchoir Ring of Slaying | 211 Critical Hit | 148 Skill Speed |
Joonbob’s Video Guide
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- 20/09/2020: Release of this page